How to get the most from your Horsham GP consultation

As a practice, Lister House Medical Clinic aims to provide the best possible service to our patients. For the best outcome if you are involved and pre-prepared it ensures the success and the reward of your visit. Here are a few ideas that may help make your next visit easier.

1. Please be on time.
If your appointment is scheduled for 10.00am, we would greatly appreciate if you are sitting in the waiting room at 9.55am. For new patients there may be paperwork to fill out.

2. One person- one appointment.
We know how hard it is to get an appointment when you want one. If you have brought your family member along that you also wish to get seen to, but because of time constraints can you please make them their own appointment.

3. Limit the amount of question to the most important ones.
You and your GP’s time is limited. If you know beforehand that you may have a long list of requests, please ask your reception staff for a longer consultation time when you book in. Plan ahead by writing down your questions before coming in, and rank them the most important as the first one to ask. This way you wont miss the most important one to you.

4. GPs are to consult with a patient BEFORE a specialist referral can be done.
Its a governmental directive that all people have to have a referral before seeing a specialist. This ensures the specialist time is taken up with the most urgent cases, and the correct patients are sent to them. If you know you have a specialist consult soon, book an appointment with your GP well before – do not wait until the day of the appointment with the specialist. You can also request a repeat referral if your symptoms have not changed and the doctor has seen you before about this referral. Request this on A GP referral lasts 12 months. A specialist referral lasts 3 months.

We are here to help you and appreciate your help in making this visit better for you. Please contact us if you have any questions about your GP consultation.